The online experience designed to take YOU to your own next level of Peak Performance
The Peak Performance Athlete experience will be your go-to for Off Days, Training Days and Game days to support you in leveling up.
This experience is 100 % virtual.
With over 30+ videos organized click by click in your online video library, you can be in the comfort of your own home AND travel and still be able to access any yoga or meditation video you need.
Legacy is created by the conscious choices you make each and every single day.
What legacy do you want to leave behind?
Recover faster with your yoga practice and build mental agility with your meditation practice. With over 30+ videos at your fingertips you will have access to anything you need.
Get out of your mind and in to your body to stop anxiety. Learn to recognize the thoughts that do not serve you and then shift to thoughts that do.
Practice specific yoga sequences for the pain you are feeling in your body. Practice specific yoga sequences to prevent future injury by moving in ways you have not moved before.
Slow down and build on each muscle group from the ground. The Yoga Sequences will support you in functional mobility and agility on and off the field.
Dive deep into your meditation practice to learn to be teammates with your ego and create space for your new intentions that feel good and feed your mind.
The Relaxation Series are recommended to be used before or after intense Training Days and Game Days to warm up the body for intense physical requirements and to cool down the body and bring it back to a rest state.
The Injury Series are designed to strengthen, heal, and protect specific muscle’s groups in the body and can be used to prevent and support any current injury.
The Power Series are perfect for Off Days and training days when you want to build long lasting strength and stamina in the body.
The Fast 15’s are compiled of intro videos that break down everything from the basics of Meditation to the foundation of Yoga poses, how to warm up and cool down, and how to incorporate both modalities into your everyday life. These videos are designed to be incorporated into everyday use.
The Fast 15’s are designed to support you developing a meditation practice - all the meditations are under 15 minutes, making them easy for you to listen whenever you have a bit of free time.
The Off Day Meditations are designed to help you relax, recenter, and ground you in your vision.
Training Day meditations are to support you in expanding your mind to allow you to reach your top physical ability.
Game Day meditations are created to execute your goals with precision and focus.
When you sign up, you’ll receive an email* welcoming you to the Peak Performance Athlete Experience and then we’ll get started!
First you will create a login to access the PPA portal and then you download the PPA Playbook for easy to follow steps to navigate through this experience. Then login to your portal and begin by watching the “Start Here" video for more information.
*If you don’t receive your email check your Spam and Trash folders! If there’s still no trace, email us so we can track it down.
Yes. In the PPA playbook you are guided to purchase a few supplies unless you already have them at home, i.e. yoga mat and blocks. I do provide substitute props that you can use and most likely find lying around your home!
As per industry standard, I do not offer refunds on programs that can be downloaded and viewed. That being said, I have never had anyone ask for a refund! I’m absolutely confident that if you work through the videos and mediations, PPA will elevate your game and show you what is possible!
*Advice in these videos is not a substitute for medical advice. If you are pregnant or have any kind of medical problem or injuries, or have had any injuries or problems in the past, or any other condition that may be adversely affected by exercise such as neck or back problems, high blood pressure, etc., please consult your doctor before practicing yoga poses, breathing exercises, or meditations to determine whether and how you can practice safely. Not all poses in this video are suitable for everyone.