Emotional Mastery

Learn to master your emotions to feel better than you ever have before.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to master your thoughts and emotions and start feeling good?

I’ve witnessed so many people (including myself) completely change their lives when they commit to a self care practice. When you finally make that decision to put you and your emotional needs first, everything else in your life begins to shift.

I know how easy it is to put your work, your relationships, even your workout before your own emotional well being.

It's really hard to figure out how to put you first every single day!

Do you ever...

  • Numb out your emotions by distracting yourself on social media?
  • Find yourself playing out the same frustrating thought patterns over and over again ?
  • Skip your morning meditation to hop on your email and get your work day started?
  • Watch TV instead of writing in your journal or doing something that actually feels good?
  • Feel convinced you’ll never love and worship your body as it is?
  • Wish you experienced more joy, fun, and play in your life?

You want to feel connected, passionate and experience deep love and happiness, but you’re not really sure where to start. And you say to yourself, “I want to love every single part of my life!” Well, my friend, I’ve got your back.

I’ve seen these old thoughts pattern and limiting beliefs sneak in WAY too many times.
I created something especially for you that will take your emotional well being to the next level …

Emotional Mastery


Module Breakdown

Each Module includes 3+ Yoga Sequences, Meditation Tapes, & Sacred Self Care Rituals to complete in the comfort of your own home!

Module 1 - The Foundation

In this module you will be introduced to an at home yoga and meditation practice and learn how to make this part of your everyday routine. You will start small and will begin to notice a shift in your way of BEing right away.

As with every module in this course, you can learn in your own individual style. Follow along with the video, audio or written transcripts, and download PDF worksheets to support your practice.


Module 2 - Cultivate Compassion

Get ready to learn all about the importance of self-love. In this week’s module, I guide you to strengthen your relationship with yourself. As a result, you’ll start to release old patterns and beliefs that don't serve you highest good, creating space for new Intention. You’ll get to experience your own source of Love, Joy, Abundance and discover how to tap into this inner super power with ease. 


Module 3 - Subconscious Reprogramming

This module will get you to the root of your Fear. Whether you experience judgement, anxiety, stress, or overwhelm you will dive deep into your shadow in order to heal. We will rewrite your mind's script to tell a story that elevates your subconscious so you can start performing at your best. 


Module 4 - Energetic Attraction

Ready to become a magnet to all things magnificent, abundant, and filled with Love. This week we raise our vibrations through meditation, dance parties, yoga, tapping, sacred self care rituals. It's time for you to welcome in all you deserve. 


Module 5 - Emotional Emergency

This is where you will come RIGHT when you feel your Emotional Emergency sneaking in. This will support you unshifting out of your funk and into another emotion that supports you best. 


Bonus - Lifestyle

This module will support you in creating a new lifestyle filled with yoga, meditation, and self care through audio shifters. This doesn't get to just be another thing you signed up... These audio clips will be there for you when you need a little extra shine on your crown! 


I'm Ready

Emotional Mastery at a glance

A Weekly Focus + Mantra

Each week focuses on a different area of your life, making it easy to stay on track. There’s a weekly mantra you can download right to your phone or computer or print and share to help you stay focused and connected to who you BE.

New Guided Meditations

My top 3 guided meditations tie into each module’s focus and take you deeper into your work. You can practice each meditation as often as you want and these will stay in your library whenever you need the extra support.

Grounding Yoga Sequences

Weekly yoga sequences will support you in getting out of your head and into your body. These are quick and easy videos that you can do anywhere and anytime you want to move stuck energy and let go of a bad vibe.


I have created daily rituals to support your self care, your emotions, and your overall well being. All you have to do is mark out time in your schedule to keep yourself on track throughout this experience.


I will go Live with our group of women during your experience to answer  anything that came up through EM !  All calls will be recorded to be replayed at a later date.


You get an email from me at the start of every week to help you feel inspired, on fire and supported! I make sure you don’t miss a thing — and make it easy to stick with your daily practice.


Connect with like-minded women in a private Facebook group where you can ask and answer questions, share your story and find tons of encouragement.


With the Emotional Emergency Toolkit you will be the first to know about any of my in-person events, workshops, and online experiences!


Access the Portal

The Emotional Mastery Experience combines the healing of a live healing experience with the transformative power of a guided meditation album + the sense of community you feel around like minded people. You no longer have to feel helpless when you're stuck in overwhelm, stress, or anxiety... Instead, each week I’ll give you everything you need to stop these old beliefs and thoughts in their tracks and shift into a new feeling that feels GOOD for you! 

 I'm Ready!

Who is Emotional Mastery for?

It doesn’t matter if you are brand new to meditation OR have practiced many times before. It doesn’t matter if you have no idea what self love is OR if you proclaim loving affirmations in the mirror as you lather yourself up in coconut oil. No matter where you are, Emotional Mastery has powerful resources to evoke meaningful and sustainable changes in your life.

What you get

Emotional Mastery one time fee of $333

  • Each week you get a brand-new members only guided meditation, daily rituals to reprogram your subconscious, and fast + easy grounding yoga sequences. You’ll also receive one of my Greatest Hits — an interview from my archives that expands on that week’s theme!

  • Join our community and connect with people ready to up level ! This is the beginning of the most high-vibe place on the internet. Connect with other like minded women, ask and answer questions, share your wins, find support and have fun!

  • You’ll get a beautiful Welcome Kit that introduces you to all the benefits of the Emotional Mastery Experience and helps you get started. And each week you’ll receive short, inspiring encouragement emails that help you stay consistent with your practice.

  • Connect with me for LIVE online trainings where you can ask me anything! Each training has a theme that enhances the beautiful work we’ve done together and supports you in making space for new intentions!


Choose the option below that works best for you!

The Emotional Emergency Toolkit Sampler


Single Payment

I'm Ready !

The Emotional Mastery Experience


I'm In !

VIP Package


Single Payment

1 private coaching call with Hailey


1 customized meditation 

Let's DO This !

Have additional questions?

Emotional Mastery is an online experience that makes it easy and fun to stay committed to living your life as your best self! Every week you get tons of inspiring content, plus weekly encouragement emails from me. You can connect with a supportive community in our private Facebook group and join me for 2 live online trainings during your experience. Plus you get exclusive access to workshops, additional trainings, and live events

As per industry standard, I don’t offer refunds on programs that can be downloaded and viewed. That been said, I have never had anyone ask for a refund! I’m absolutely confident that if you work through the activities, Emotional Mastery will elevate your mindset and get you unstuck. 

If you struggle to stay balanced with your emotions and always feel like you’re starting over instead of strengthening where you left off, the Emotional Mastery Experience will give you the structure and guidance you need to stay on your path. If you don’t have a support system, my weekly guidance and the caring community will help you stay on track. Emotional Mastery is for anyone who wants to stay consistent with their Self Love practices and live a miraculous life — whether you’ve been practicing for years or are brand-new to experiencing your own unconditional love.

Everything is in the EM online portal! You just log in and can access all the meditations, interview, yoga sequences, online trainings, mantra art and more. You can access the Membership portal from your computer, tablet or smartphone. You can also download the audio and save it on your devices. And to make it SUPER easy to stay consistent, I send an email at the start of each week to encourage and support you! 

That’s up to you!  This is designed to be as flexible as you want it to be. You will always have access to this experience and are encouraged to do the practices over and over again until they become a habit. You can’t fall behind! However, I encourage you to remember: There is a reason you are here and want to make this commitment to yourself. Emotional Mastery can only support you if you allow it to. And I bet this will be easier than you might think - when you commit to yourself, you’ll find that time expands!

It will be there waiting for you! You can go back to any lecture, meditation, online trainings, etc., at any time and listen/read/watch/practice whenever you want. Emotional Mastery gives you flexible structure. There are no rigid rules. This is exactly what you have been looking for.

Yes! The Emotional Mastery Experience is for anyone who has or wants to feel better by loving themselves more. All you need in order to start is the desire! EM gives you structure, support, inspiration and community as you begin your journey. In fact, it’s an awesome place to start because everything is broken down for you through audio and video. Instead of going in a million directions and feeling overwhelmed, you can lean on my guidance and start your practice with clarity!


Emotional Mastery



"Better Than Ever"

The Meditation

A meditation to 10x your last season's Highlight Reel