Our team gets numerous emails, messages, and requests for different opportunities each day AND my team members and I DO read every single email that comes through.
I do my best to share my insight and the things I am most passionate about on The Blog and from the incredible guests we have on The Mind Games Podcast so if you have any questions they may have already been answered here!
If you’re looking for customer support for one of our training products or experiences, please email [email protected] for support.
If you are a major media outlet looking to do an interview, please give details, and we will get back to you ASAP.
If you’re an up and coming blog or podcast: fill out the form if you are interested in having me on your show or featured on your blog. I am not capable of all requests but my team will get back to you ASAP.
If you are requesting to be on The Mind Games Podcast, we are looking for inspiring leaders who are making a big impact on a large audience of people. Check out the Hall of Famers, Yogi’s, CEO’s, Mindfulness Experts, and World Series Champ’s. If you or someone you know fits the bill of greatness on THAT level, then please send us your pitch to learn more.
If you’re interested in becoming a sponsor for the Mind Games podcast or if you’re interested in social media sponsorships for Instagram (@haileylott_) please submit the form below.
When I do speak and teach I charge a premium for it. I value my time, and when I show up to work with an audience or a group I give my all to whoever is in the room and represent you and your brand to the best of my ability. Fill out the form below to receive more information.
If you want to leave a review for the podcast or tell me what you have gotten from the show do it here on iTunes or Libsyn.
If you are interested in getting coaching from me the best ways are to check out our online experiences here. If you are interested in more in depth coaching you can apply for an interview with me here.
If there’s something I missed let me know below.