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Trevor Moawad on The Power of Thought Pt. 2
Trevor Moawad is a renowned Mental Conditioning expert and strategic advisor to some of the world’s most elite performers. In 2017, Trevor was named the “Sports World’s Best Brain Trainer” by Sports Illustrated. From Ft. Bragg to Harvard Business School, from elite Quarterbacks to top level CEOs. Moawad’s mission is clear – to motivate the motivated.
“I can make myself feel like doing anything by doing it.” -Trevor
“Mental health is first and foremost understanding the characteristics of mentally healthy people.” -Trevor
- How going back to “neutral” is often going back to negativity
- What non-judgmental behavior-based thinking is
- Success is derived from behavior, not feelings
- You can’t pretend negative experiences didn’t happen
- Why anything you try is a win
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