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Tareq Azim on the Disease of Fear Part II
Apr 16, 2019
- You are only great if you believe you are
- Tareq speaks on feelings and their significance to your mental health
- Learning that it's not just what you play for, it's what you die for
- Entitlement in America
- Mentality of wanting to disrupt entitlement to wake people up to opportunity
- You cannot expect the world to believe in you if you don’t believe in you
- How to need less and live with contentment
- What the whole world is searching for …
- Learn about the right we give to everyone else but ourselves
- Owning your power and taking it out of the hands of those around you
- Find out the answer to mental imbalance according to Tareq
- The mentality of suicide bombers and how this mentality is moving through our society
- What it means to flip the script of your own life perspective
- How you can give yourself exactly what you are seeking
- The power of accountability
- What we believed the purpose of desire to be
- If we can forgive ourselves can we then own the position we are in?
- The power in truth and why our country craves it
- Discover a different gratitude practice

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