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Megan Monahan on a Mindful Life
In this episode, Megan Monahan joins Hailey and Ronnie on the Mind Games Podcast to talk about mental health, codependency, resilience, and perspective. Meditation teacher and author, Megan Monahan is passionate about making meditation accessible and relatable. Her goal is to infuse a modern-day “realness” into the all too often esoteric landscape of meditation. Since learning to meditate in 2009 with Deepak Chopra and becoming a Chopra certified instructor, she has taught thousands to meditate through her platform. She works with brands like Lululemon, Unplug Meditation, Netflix, Facebook and Wanderlust and works with clients internationally, always bringing her spiritual real talk. Her first book, Don't Hate, Meditate, was published in 2019 by Ten Speed Press!
Quote from Megan:
“Equanimity for me is asking the question: how deeply am I connected to the stillness that is just beneath the turbulence?”
If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!
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