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Hailey and Ronnie Lott on Comebacks
Jun 04, 2019
- The preparation that goes into the comeback
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- “Develop dedication to who you want to be and what you want to achieve. The dedication comes from mental practice. Mentally rehearsing your vision.” - Hailey
- Mental toughness and grit it takes to get back up from what may feel like a failure
- The maturity it takes to get back up from a loss
- “Most times you learn more from losing than from winning” - Ronnie Lott
- Learn to honor your emotions in order to move through them
- How you can learn from a perceived loss
- Come back to vision to keep going when you feel like giving up
- Living life on purpose even if you win or lose
- Learn to let go of the old play to start fresh
- The importance of acceptance
- Practice Acceptance by changing your perspective
- Yin and Yang of life and how to hold your vision with this outlook

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