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Coach Orgeron on Commitment
In this episode, Coach Ed Orgeron, head coach of the Louisiana State University football team, joins us! We discuss what mental health looks like for athletes today, how it's different than it was in the past, and what Coach O does to make sure his players are supported.
Show Quotes:
“Players go through more today than they ever have and we need to receptive of it because mental health challenges are real.” - Ed Orgeron
“I treat my players like sons. They know that there’s going to be tough love and discipline, but when we work in an environment that we feel good in, we have success.” - Ed Orgeron
“Everything you do counts. There are no secret moments. You find out who you are when nobody’s around.” - Ed Orgeron
If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!
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