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Accepting What is with Hailey Lott
Sep 08, 2020
In this episode, Hailey speaks into acceptance of what is, understanding our relationship with change, and learning how to alter it in order to find a higher perspective.
Show Quotes:
“My biggest shift has been in seeing what is right when things go wrong.”
“When I’m not accepting that I cannot even come to terms with the resistance, then that resistance snowball keeps building.”
“My fears, errors, and disappointments lead me to more power and wisdom.”
“Every single low on the rollercoaster that life is, has brought me another high.”
“You’ve survived. You’re here. You matter. You’re important. All you have to do is keep going.”
If you like what you heard, follow Hailey on Instagram @haileylott_. Visit her website www.HaileyLott.com to find out how you can connect on a deeper level, and you’ll even find some FREE support in the form of meditations - and more!
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